Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tri-State Region USPC Mounted Games Clinic


We're looking forward to the upcoming Mounted Games Clinic with Carroll and Laura Crowl who will be coming all the way up from Lexington, KY to share their expertise and their passion for the sport of Mounted Games.

Below you will find the tentative schedule.  The clinic will be jammed packed with information and activities for riders as well as adults.We are requesting that anyone who is coming to the clinic to please fill out the registration form. Click here for the on-line registration form. Please read it carefully and be sure to fill out all the required fields as you cannot 'submit' the form if you have not completed the form. We are requesting a club check made payable to Tri-State Region USPC.  Payment can be made the day of the clinic but registration forms need to be received by  Wed Jan 2.  If we do not have enough participants or if the weather looks crazy, the clinic will be canceled.

The clinic will be held at the VanScoy's lovely 'His Way Farm'. Check out the earlier posts on this blog for pictures of the facility.  Since most of you have not been to VanScoy's before I have made a Google map to help you find your way to the farm.  Click here to view the map before you plug the address into your GPS.  If not, you may find yourself on Teegarden Rd which has a fairly significant hill with S turns which aren't ideal for horse trailers.  If you're driving a car you'll be just fine.  Below is a map of the farm which will help you to familiarize yourself with the facility before your arrival.  We will be meeting in the lounge to start with and there is a full kitchen for your lunch items.

Keep your fingers crossed for good weather as this clinic will really help you to jump start your Mounted Games program and hopefully get your members interested in participating in the Games Rally.  I can be reached via e-mail at or phone: home 330-222-2089 or cell 330-277-6964.


Mounted Games Clinic – Jan 5, 2013

Tentative Schedule:
10:00   Introduction to Mounted Games - where participants will learn about       the equipment, rules, mounts, team and individual practices
11:00    Adults and riders will be split into 2 groups
·        Riders will work on
o       drills
o       safety
o       techniques
·        Adults will learn how to
o       lane judge
o       line Judge
o       set up equipment
o       running practices and a Games Rally

Pot Luck Lunch with a Power Point and Video Presentations

1:00 – 3:00     Mock Competition

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